PREAMBLE: In view of the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 8.05.2009 and in consideration of the determination of the Central Government and the University Grants Commission to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging.

Bhai Gurdas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sangrur, adheres certain standards of behavior like Courtesy, Respect, Honesty, Integrity, and Safety. An Anti-ragging Committee is formed to enforce these standards of behavior to facilitate an environment that is conducive to learning and academic achievement. There are two major areas of jurisdiction are Academic and Non-Academic. The Chairperson and other members of the committee handle cases of both the Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct. The Chairperson in the Institute will convene the committee, which is comprised of several faculty members. Students who engage in academic misconduct or violate the standards of the College community in other ways may be brought before the College’s Anti-ragging committee. If students are found guilty of misconduct, the Anti-ragging committee has the right to impose sanctions ranging from probation to suspension or expulsion.

OBJECTIVE: To eliminate ragging in all its forms from the campus by prohibiting it under the regulations, preventing its occurrence and punishing those who indulge in ragging as provided for in the Regulations and the appropriate law in force. The ultimate goal of the student Anti-ragging system is to ensure affair and orderly proceeding on questions of possible student misconduct.
Every member of the Institute–student, faculty, other academic appointees, and staff–makes a commitment to strive for personal and academic integrity.
To treat others with dignity and respect.
To honor the rights and property of others.
To take responsibility for individual and group behavior.
To act as a responsible citizen in a free academic community and in the larger society.

The College Anti-ragging committee is here by reconstituted among the following members

S.No. Name of the Faculty Department Coordinator/ Members Mobile Num. Email:
1 Dr.Harminder Singh Associate Professor
Applied Science
Coordinator 9988080897  [email protected]
2 Mr. M.S. Gill Assistant Professor EE Member 9417396113 [email protected]
6 Sh. Pardeep Kumar Representative of Parents Member 9815879110 [email protected]
3 Mr. Dilpreet Singh Chief Hostel Warden (boys) Member 9463217100 [email protected]
4 Mrs. Santosh Mehta Hostel Warden (girls) Member 9815781901   [email protected]
5 Mr. Himanshu Kumar CE 8TH sem
Roll no: 2001894
6 Ms. Navpreet Kaur EE 6thsem
Roll no: 2201341
7 Ms. Drishti MBA 4thsem
Roll no: 2201206
8 Mr. Shivam Kumar CSE 8thsem
Roll no: 2001968