BGIET Convocation
A Convocation Ceremony is a special day in the academic life of students as after years of hard work and dedication; they get their hard earned education degrees. Wearing the traditional academic regalia and walking up the stage is the dream of every student. It is a defining moment in every student’s life giving his self-esteem a boost.
As black hats are tossed in air, the sky is filled with euphoria. Graduation day is a unique celebration. It is the coming of age, the arrival of maturity and responsibility, which makes the heart go aflutter.
Dr. Guninderjit Singh Jawandha citing the achievements of students in academics, cultural activities and sports said that the objective of BGIET is to provide best to the students. The College had progressed beyond means and students excelled in annual examinations as well as in sports activities. He also congratulated the students who got degrees, medals and meritorious certificates.
(Prof.) Dr. Tanuja Srivastava congratulated students for their well deserved success and said students worked hard and pushed their abilities to the limit to make this success happen. She also acknowledged the sincere efforts of the faculty and congratulated everyone for the success of the Convocation.