Staff Attendance Policy

  • Office timings are from 9.00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.
  • All employees are requested to synchronize their watches with the official time clock.
  • All employees should report on time and would make their punch in the Attendance machine.
  • Important to note
  • Office Timing: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Lunch Timings: 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
  • Employees reporting after 9:00 a.m. or leaving before 5:00 p.m. would be treated as late coming
    early departure & his/her entry would be marked as “L” late coming.
  • In case of any three late comings in a month (L=3), would be treated as a Half-day leave and the
    same will not be compensated with any Institute leaves and early comings.
  • In case of any six late comings in a month (L=6), would be treated as Full-day leave and the
    same will not be compensated with Institute leaves and early comings.
  • Half Day “HD” will be marked if arrival is after 10:30 a.m. or departure is before 3:30 p.m.
  • In case of the informed half day leave:
  • The minimum timings for a half-day are: 9:00 am to 12:40 pm or 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
  • For a half-day leave, the employee shall not be entitled to a lunch break.
  • Grace period of entering the office would be 15 minutes only 2 times in a month, beyond that it
    will be considered as Late only.


The leave policy sets out the various types of leaves that a faculty is eligible for and outlines the procedure for availing leave. This leave policy does not apply to consultants/ Guest faculty engaged with the Institute.

  • The Institute work will take precedence over any kind of leave. Leave is to be treated as a privilege and not as a matter of right.
  • Leave year is the calendar year (1st Jan – 31st Dec).
  • The different types of leave/vacation are:
  • Casual Leave
  • Academic leave
  • Study Leave
  • On-duty Leave
  • Duty Leave
  • Compensatory Leave
  • Extra ordinary Leave
  • Maternity Leave

All leaves should be applied in advance. In exceptional circumstances sometimes it may not be possible to do so in advance; in such cases, a telephone call to HOD should serve the purpose. However, this is allowed only if the work assigned to him/her is adjusted by the applicant with a colleague under intimation to HOD so that academic /administrative work does not suffer. This may be allowed only in unforeseen circumstances which may not exceed 2 times in a year. Nonadherence to the above may lead to the grant of leave without pay.


  • All faculty members are eligible to avail of 12 days of “Casual leave” per annum with credit of one day of leave per month. If it is not availed in a particular month it may be carried forward to the next month.
  • Casual leave cannot be carried forward from one year to another
  • Half-day CL can be taken if needed.


  • Faculty members can avail up to 07 days of academic leave for university work or the furtherance of professional growth such as external examiner, participation in conferences, symposiums, seminars, FDP, etc.
  • Not more than 02 days of academic leave may be given for external practical work.


Study Leave – Permission for higher studies on lien

  • Study Leave for acquiring higher qualifications like Ph.D., Post Doctorate from a University/Institute of higher learning will be admissible only to a confirmed member of faculty.
  • Study leave will be granted initially for a period of a maximum of two (2) years which can be extended by a further period of one (1) year when the circumstances justify such extension.
  • Study Leave can be granted for a maximum of two (2) times during the entire period of service life maintaining a gap of five (5) years in between two Study Leaves. The total duration of
  • Study Leaves during the service period shall be a maximum of three (3) years.
  • Seniority of the employee would be maintained during the period of such leave.
  • The Institute shall not be liable for any financial support whatsoever during his/her Study Leave or for the purpose of Study Leave.

Study Leave – Policy for sponsoring Members of Faculty for pursuing PhD under QIP Eligibility

Criteria for Sponsorship:

  • A confirmed Member of Faculty with at least 3 years of service in the Institute who has got admission to pursue a Ph.D. program in one of the major QIP centers as approved by AICTE:
    1. IISc, Bangalore
    2. IIT, Bombay
    3. IIT, Delhi
    4. IIT, Kanpur
    5. IIT, Kharagpur
    6. IIT, Guwahati
    7. IIT, Madras
    8. IIT, Roorkee
    and the Ph.D. program in which he/she takes admission should be in the discipline of which he/she is a Member of Faculty and the topic of research should be of relevance to the department concerned, to be duly recommended by the Principal and forwarded to the Top Management for approval.
  • A Member of Faculty who is eligible, as above, will be granted leave with full pay deducting the amount he/she will draw from the above-mentioned QIP centers to pursue a PhD in any of the above QIP centers, for a maximum period of thirty-six (36) months.
  • A Member of Faculty upon expiry of the leave or earlier will rejoin the Institute in the same position which he/she was occupying before proceeding on leave. There would be no break in service for the purposes of retirement benefits.
  • The Institute reserves the right to allow up to a maximum of two (2) or 10% of the total strength of Faculty in any Department, whichever is lower, to go on QIP program at any point of time. Applications for QIP would be considered on a first-come-first-serve basis, until and unless considered for some other reasons, as found suitable and approved by Top Management.
  • A Member of Faculty availing himself/herself of the benefit under QIP would be required to execute a bond with the Institute agreeing to serve the Institute for a minimum period of three (3) years after his/her return on completion of QIP, against which he/she would be required to provide a bank guarantee amounting to his/her existing salary for eighteen (18) months.
  • If a QIP scholar discontinues the PhD program midway, the scholar would have to refund to the Institute such salary and allowances paid to him/her for the period he/she attended the program.


  • Considered only for non-working days. Travel time shall be considered as part of this type of OD.
    If the person has worked for 2 hr – 1/4 OD will be considered.
    If the person has worked for 4 hr – 1/2 OD will be considered.
    If the person has worked for 8 hr – 1 OD will be considered.
  • On-Duty is granted to a faculty when any competent authority of BGIET assigns a duty of the
    institute that has to be performed at outstation.


Duty leave is granted to employees if he/she has to perform assigned work at the outstation on a working day.


  • Compensatory leave is granted to a faculty for performing assigned duty on non-working days.
  • Compensatory leaves should preferably be availed during non-teaching days.
  • Compensatory leave can be availed within the session under reference failing which it will lapse.


  • Extraordinary leave (without pay) may be granted to a faculty member when no other leave is admissible to him and he/she applies in writing for it.
  • Extra-ordinary leave shall not count for grant of increment except in the following cases:
    1. Leave allowed on medical grounds.
    2. Cases where the Director is satisfied that the leave is for cause(s) beyond the control of the employee, such as inability to join or rejoin duty due to civil commotion or a natural calamity.
  • Leave taken for pursuing higher studies.
  • Leave granted to a permanent faculty to accept an invitation to work on a fellowship or researchcum-teaching post elsewhere.


  • Maternity Leave is admissible to permanent female employees of the Institute on half pay for a period of ninety (90) days from the date the staff desires to proceed on Maternity Leave or from the date of actual confinement, whichever is earlier, provided she has served the Institute for a period of at least two years immediately preceding the date of her leave.
  • Maternity Leave will be granted upon submission of a medical certificate issued by the attending registered medical practitioner.
  • Maternity Leave with pay shall be granted twice during the entire period of service of a female employee.
  • In case of miscarriage including abortion, Maternity Leave will be granted to a permanent female employee of the Institute on half pay, subject to submission of supported application by the attending registered medical practitioner. In no such cases, however, the total Maternity Leave should exceed thirty (30) days.
  • Resumption of duty after Maternity Leave is on submission of a certificate of fitness from a qualified registered medical practitioner. An employee should submit the above-said certificate on the day she resumes office.
  • Faculty member availing the benefit of Maternity Leave shall continue with her job at least for one year after joining the duty. In case of falling to fullfil, the above condition would lead to reimburse the Maternity Benefits.

Note: In the event of a faculty leaving the service of the Institution by way of resignation or otherwise, except as a result of the disciplinary proceeding, he /she will not be entitled to avail any leave (except casual leave) during the notice period that faculty needs to serve.

Staff Dress Code Policy

For Men: (Monday- Friday)

  • A collared shirt with formal trousers (Pleated/Non-pleated cotton pants)
  • Formal belts, shoes, etc. (Tie optional)
  • Need to be properly shaved
  • The attire worn should be well ironed

For Women: (Monday- Friday)

  • Formal collared shirts with formal trousers. Need to wear a belt that matches your outfit
  • Knee-length kurta with Churidars
  • Salwar suits should be simple with no glitter embroidery
  • Simple printed sarees or border sarees neatly tucked
  • Mid-length Kurtis with Trousers
  • The attire worn should be well ironed
  • Hair should be neatly tied. If left open should not fall on the face
  • Formal shoes/ flats/ heels/ sandals should be worn

Dress Code on Saturday (Non Teaching)

  • Denim, Cargo, T-shirts, casual Shirts
  • For Females – casual attire.


  • On Occasions like Birthdays, Anniversaries, the individual is free to decently dress up as per they wish.
  • On Festivals, one needs to follow the dress code set for the particular festival.

Code of Conduct for the Non-teaching Staff

  • Every staff shall, at all times, maintain integrity, be devoted to duty and also be honest and impartial in his / her official dealings.
  • A staff shall, at all times, be well-mannered in his/ her dealings with the higher authorities, with other members of staff, students, and with their parents/guardians.
  • They should provide support, help, and guide and cooperate with all other staff so that they can execute their duties smoothly.
  • Every Staff member shall maintain the appropriate levels of confidentiality with respect to student and staff records and other sensitive matters.
  • Staff will abide by the rules and regulations of the institution and shall ensure the respect of the Institute is kept above all at all times.
  • No faculty shall make any statement, publish or write through any media which has the effect of adverse criticism of any policy or action of the institute.
  • They should continuously endeavor for their professional/educational growth and participate in all the activities planned inside/outside the college.
  • They should always update their knowledge level as per the changes in other organizations as per their job profile.
  • Staff will take proper leave after intimating the competent authority only. In no circumstances any staff will absent himself/herself without intimation in written or telephonically.
  • Staff will carry out the assigned task with devotion and dedication of the highest level setting examples for others. They will be accountable for the same.
  • They will be responsible for maintaining all official documents, and oversee that all equipment/furniture and all other assets of the college are not misused and maintained well.
  • Drugs/ tobacco or tobacco products, alcohol, or any such agents are totally prohibited, and no staff will enter the college campus under influence of any such substance or carry/use the same inside the college campus.
  • The support staff often have access to confidential information regarding examination matters and other matters relating to other staff, through official records confidential and restricted matters will not be shared with anybody in writing or verbal. Any lapse in the same if found will lead to legal action against the employee.
  • No staff should involve in the practice of discrimination based on castes, creed, religion, race, or sex in his conduct with the students and his colleagues, and trying to use the above for his benefit results in a negative environment inside the college.
  • No staff, except with the prior permission of the competent authority, engages, directly, or indirectly in any trade or business or any private tuition, or undertakes any employment outside his official assignments.


  • The Librarian should manage the library as well as the digital library of the institute.
  • The Librarian should arrange to prepare the library budget and policies relating to the library/Digital library.
  • The Librarian should widespread usage of available information access facilities.
  • The Librarian should continuously be in touch with the students and faculty to understand/ assess their needs of Book/Journal/Magazines/CDs etc. and also provides URL links /resources for information on various study materials.

To encourage faculty to involve in research activities to get recognition in terms of filing patents and publications in refereed SCI/SSCI (Thomson Reuter) journals, BGIET follows the following policy:

  • Every faculty member must supervise a minimum of two UG students’ major projects per academic year on a recent research topic with a review of literature and experimentation/analytical analysis.
  • Every faculty member must participate in one national seminar/conference/workshop (or international conference/symposium/workshop held in India) per academic year and make a presentation on the individual’s/ student’s research activity on which the paper is based. The case will be evaluated by the R&D Committee which will meet once every quarter of the year, with respect to the quality of the Research Paper and genuineness of the Seminar / Conference / Workshop. If recommended by the Committee the faculty member may be paid: 50% of (Conference Registration Fee + 3 tier AC return train fare to the venue of Conference) or Rs 8,000/- whichever is minimum.
  • For participating in a top-ranking international conference outside India the same procedure will be followed. The faculty member can attend once in 2 years. The case may be evaluated by R&D Committee and based on the recommendation of the committee necessary seed money may be provided by the BGIET. Faculty members are encouraged to apply to external agencies like DST/AICTE/UGC/CSIR/AICTE/CPDA or conference organizers for further financial assistance.
  • A financial incentive of Rs 5000 (Rs five thousand) will be given to faculty per paper published in refereed SCI/SCIE/ESCI/SCOPUS (Thomson Reuter) journals (100% in case of a single author, in the ratio 60:40 in the case of two authors, and 60:20:20 in case of three authors and so on).
  • A financial incentive of Rs 2500 (Rs two thousand five hundred) will be given to faculty per paper published in refereed UGC care journals (other than SCI/SCIE/ESCI/SCOPUS) (100% in the case of a single author, in the ratio 60:40 in the case of two authors, and 60:20:20 in case of three authors and so on).

Note: All the requests related to research funding will be routed through the R&D Committee. It is essential that the faculty mentions his/her affiliation with BGIET while submitting a research paper to a conference/Journal.

Faculty Welfare

The Institute has a variety of welfare schemes and provisions for the benefit of its teaching and non-teaching staff. Some of the provisions are briefly described below.

Provision of leaves:- The Institute leave policy sets out the various types of leaves that a staff member is eligible for and outlines the procedure for availing leave.

The different types of leave / vacation are :

  • Casual Leave
  • Academic leave
  • On-duty Leave
  • Compensatory Leave
  • Winter Vacation

Casual Leave

All faculty members are eligible to avail 12 days “Casual leave” per annum with credit of one day leave per month. If it is not availed in a particular month it may be carried forward to the next month.
Half day CL can be taken if needed.

Academic Leave

Faculty members can avail upto 07 days of academic leaves for university work or for furtherance of professional growth such as external examiner, participation in conference, symposium, seminar, FDP etc.

On-Duty Leave

On-Duty is granted to a faculty when any competent authority of BGIET assigns a duty of the institute that has to be performed at outstation.

Compensatory Leave

Compensatory leave is granted to a faculty for performing assigned duty on non-working days.

Winter Vacation

Winter vacation may be given to faculty members for a period one week (05 working days) only in the notified period. This leave is given to an employee after completion of one year of service at BGIET.

Provision of Tuition fee concession to wards of employees – Wards of employees studying in any institute of BGIET group can avail tuition fees waiver up to 50%.

Provision of Subsidized accommodation in campus – Limited accommodation facility and guest house for the staff members and guests is available within the campus.

Provision of Subsidized transport facility – to the staff members for their transport needs by institute vehicles.

Provision of Incentive policy for research – The policy is in place to motivate the faculty members of the institute to undertake quality research and innovation related activities. Financial incentive of Rs 2000 (Rs Two thousand)is given to faculty per paper published in refereed SCI/SSC (Thomson Reuter) journals (100% in case of single author, in the ratio 60:40 in the case of two authors, and 60:20:20 in case of three authors and so on). For attending National and International conferences/workshops, 50% of Conference Registration Fee + 3 tier AC return train fare to the venue of Conference or Rs 5,000/- whichever is minimum is paid to the faculty.

Provision of Consultancy and R&D

  • Individuals or groups of faculty members are encouraged to undertake R & D projects. Management of BGIET may provide seed money up to Rs 10,000 with the approval of the R & D Committee and help in applying for further grants, if required, from funding agencies.
  • Depending upon the type of professional work involved in the consultancy project, the project may require the use of institutional facilities such as testing on the institutional equipment, etc (Type I project) or may not require the use of institutional facilities (Type II project). PI (and his team) will share the consultancy amount with BGIET in the ratio of 70:30 for Type I projects and 80:20 for Type II projects.
  • The member of staff associated in the project shall be paid honorarium by the PI appropriately from the consultancy amount, on approval of Director /Principal with a cap of 50% of the salary of the staff for the period of association of the staff with the project work.
  • BGIET will provide financial incentive of Rs 20,000/- (Rs. Twenty thousand) to the faculty /team who gets a patent granted for any innovation /research. There is no maximum limit on the number of patents filed by an individual /team.

Provision of Gym & Yoga facility – the staff and faculty members can avail the gymnasium facility available in the Campus.

Provision of Excursion tours, Sports Activity, Open House Sessions for Stress Removal.

Provision of celebration of Teacher’s day, Diwali, Labor Day, Lohri etc.

R & D Consultancy

  • Individuals or groups of faculty members/ students are encouraged to undertake R & D projects. Management of BGIET may provide seed money up to Rs 10,000 with the approval of the R&D Committee and help in applying for further grants, if required, from funding agencies.
  • Faculty members are encouraged to undertake consultancy and R & D assignments from institutions or industries appropriate to the competence of individuals/groups. The faculty shall undertake such assignments with the prior approval of the Director and information to the R&D Committee. The faculty may avail the administrative & infrastructure facilities of BGIET for the same.
  • The faculty can associate with other faculty for working on the assignments.
  • The Principal Investigator (PI) shall levy such consultancy charges on the beneficiary organization as appropriate in line with the quantity and quality of professional work involved.
  • Depending upon the type of professional work involved in the consultancy project, the project may require the use of institutional facilities such as testing on the institutional equipment, etc (Type I project) or may not require the use of institutional facilities (Type II project).
  • PI (and his team) will share the consultancy amount with BGIET in the ratio of 70:30 for Type I projects and 80:20 for Type II projects.
  • The member of staff associated with the project shall be paid an honorarium by the PI appropriately from the consultancy amount, on approval of the Director /Principal with a cap of 50% of the salary of the staff for the period of association of the staff with the project work.
  • BGIET will provide a financial incentive of Rs 20,000/- (Rs. Twenty thousand) to faculty /team who gets a patent granted for any innovation /research. There is no maximum limit on the number of patents filed by an individual /team.

Rules for Ward Fee Relaxation


To promote higher and technical and profession education and provide employees with a feeling of bonding with the BGIET encourages employees to avail benefits of acquiring higher education for their children with BGIET by providing a fee concession to their wards based on meeting the eligibility criteria at the time of admission.


All regular and confirmed BGIET employees (Teaching and Non- Teaching Staff)

The fee concession will be provided to the wards of employees of meeting the eligibility criteria to the programme applied for with the Institute.
The wards will go through the selection process as defined by the Institute for admission to the programme applied for.
The employee will be eligible to get the fee concession for 2 children.
The fee concession will be given for an amount equivalent to 75% for the first child and 50% for the second child.
For continuing 75% of fee concession of the fee in the subsequent years to the ward of the employee the ward shall ensure that he/she is not involved in the disciplinary case and will have to abide with all the rules and regulations of the BGIET.
The Employee shall continue in service with the Institute for the period that his/her ward is registered in the programme with the Institute. If the employee resigns or is terminated from the services, the ward of the employee shall be liable to pay the full amount of fee due to Institute post his/her parent (Employee) exit from the Institute.