
Algorithm Lab
This short course is designed for students who plan to learn about common data structures with efficient algorithms, solve LeetCode problems, and know state-of-the-art information techniques. The achievements of Algorithm Labs are listed below:
• Develop problem-solving skills.
• Implement data structures and algorithms.
• Expand horizons by solving problems.
• Solve LeetCode problems which are marked medium, even hard.

Object Oriented Programming Lab
This lab is dedicated for students to work on practical experiments, projects and research work related to courses such as object oriented programing and JAVA. This lab purpose is to enhance the programming skills of the students by giving practical assignments and also requisite knowledge about Object Oriented Programming through C++ so that they make their own Applications/Projects using C++.

Computer Network Lab
Information and communication are two of the most important operational issues for the success of every enterprise. In ComputerNetwork Laboratory students learn about the real life working of network scenario with the help of tools like “Wireshark” and “Packet Tracer”. The environment designed by the students using different network machines helps them to strike a balance between the two above said operational issues in field of networks.

A database management system (DBMS) is computer application software that provides a way to manage data. The requirement of modern days is to have an automated system that manages, modifies and updates data accurately. This is achieved by a DBMS in robust, correct and non redundant way. DBMS lab aims at practicing and achieving this aim by using various software’s such as SQL, ORACLE, and MS – Access etc. All these require a thorough practice of various DDl, DCL and DML queries

DATA Structure Lab
The lab is dedicated for the students to develop their Minor and Major projects. All project related software are installed in this lab to fulfill the requirements of development. Also the students receive hands on practical experience in Java Programming, Python Programming and Coding Practices.

Project Lab
The lab is used to train the students to improve their programming knowledge and make experiments to get familiar with the Core Courses.We use Turbo C++ software in this lab. Data Structures laboratory is spatial and well equipped. It provides a wide approach in C programming and enables to apply knowledge in Artificial Intelligence.

Software Lab
The Department has a set up of 11 full-fledged Software Labs including CUDA labs, well equipped with PCs of latest configuration. Students get option of using Windows or Linux. The softwares like JDK, Raptor, g++,gcc, MySQL,PacketTracer areinstalled in the labs according to the requirement.