Innovations done by Faculty

S. No. Name of the Faculty Nature of InnovationIntroduced Detail of Initiatives
1. Dr. Tanuja Srivastava Pedagogical Innovation – Sharing of e- content and videos.
Assessment Innovation – Organizing co-curricular events such as paper presentations to cultivate competitive and organizational skills among students.
Digital Innovation – The utilization of audio/video-equipped classrooms for delivering course content

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2. Dr. Karunakar Singh Pedagogical Innovation – Group dynamics and team effort developed through encouraging students to create their own projects/newideas.
Assessment Innovation – Integrating peer assessment methods empowers students to evaluate and provide feedback on their peers’ work.
Digital Innovation – Usage of Virtual Labs.

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3. Dr. Ashok Kumar Pedagogical Innovation – Problem-solving and collaborative activities, promoting deeper understanding and application of concepts.
Assessment Innovation – Evaluation on the basis of case studies, project presentations, providing a more comprehensive measure of students’ understanding and application of concepts.
Digital Innovation – Students can explore realistic simulations, enhancing their understanding of complex concepts in a more engaging and interactive manner.

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4. Dr. Syed Insha Rafiq Pedagogical Innovation – QualitativeandQuantitativeAptitudeconceptsaretaughtforappearinginthevarioustestsforplacements.
– Videos of Mock interviews shown for the further preparation.
Assessment Innovation – One minute paper assessment provides insights into individual comprehension and allows instructors to identify areas that may need further clarification.
Digital Innovation – Video Summaries of a lesson allows them to use digital tools while reinforcing their understanding of the material.

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5. Dr. Mohit Singla



Pedagogical Innovation

Using Interactive Classroom Polls encourages instant feedback, sparking discussions and addressing immediate questions or misconceptions.
Assessment Innovation – Assessed through psychometric analysis concept.
Digital Innovation – Conduct video based training programs for students to acquire hands-on experience in various applications.

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6. Dr. Khan Nadiya Jan


Pedagogical Innovation – Corporate communication concepts taught through video analysis.


Assessment Innovation –  Prepare students for technical interviews.
Digital Innovation – Using online learning platforms for teaching courses.

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7. Dr. Mamta Bhardwaj


Pedagogical Innovation – Coverage of labs beyond the experiments.
– Research based projects are assigned to encourage students to learn and apply knowledge and skills through an engaging experience.
Assessment Innovation – As part of the skills assessment, extempore role plays, debates, and group discussions are held.
Digital Innovation – Usage of Virtual Labs links.
– Conduct of co-curricular activities like Project display, Quiz, paper presentations etc. to build competitive and organizational skills in the studentsClick Here
8. Er. Usman Ahmed


Pedagogical Innovation – Appropriate use of active learning strategies with the help of open source audio video tutorials.
Assessment Innovation – Online quizzes
Digital Innovation – Online Collaborative Document Editing allows students to work together on assignments in real-time, fostering teamwork and digital literacy skills.

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9. Er. Swati Priyadarshi


Pedagogical Innovation Emphasizing on the numerical problems
Assessment Innovation – Numerical solving problems were assessed through various tests.
Digital Innovation – Using online learning platforms for teaching courses

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10. Er. Noopur Khare


Pedagogical Innovation – Emphasizing on the numerical problems.
Assessment Innovation – Numerical solving problems were assessed through various tests.
Digital Innovation – Usage of audio/video classrooms for teaching courses..

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11. Er. Suhail Ahmad Bhat


Pedagogical Innovation – Students are given electronic resources, including e-books and e-learning materials such as lessons and courses, to enhance their comprehension and facilitate effective practice.
Assessment Innovation – Evaluation through a specific model using the software.
Digital Innovation – Usage of Virtual Labs.

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12. Er. Amandeep Kaur


Pedagogical Innovation – Use of practical examples
– Involving potential students by putting surprise tests- Accentuating the numerical problems
Assessment Innovation – Numerical solving problems were assessed through various tests.
Digital Innovation – Well prepared PPTs, Use of standard books
– Technical Quizzes Online and online test, Workshops etc. are adopted to support assessment process.Click Here
13. Er. Deep Shikha


Pedagogical Innovation – Encouraging students to learn and discuss with peers
– Improving confidence and  presentation skills
Assessment Innovation – Conduct of project displays, paper presentations, etc., to build organizational skills in the students.
Digital Innovation – Prerequisite Test , Technical events, and online tests.

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14. Er. Anmol Dhillon


Pedagogical Innovation – Project Based Learning (PBL) on real world problems are assigned to the students to enhance their skills.

– Great emphasis on development research based projects, useful real world applications.

Assessment Innovation – Paper presentations are used to build organizational skills in the students.
Digital Innovation – Tech Talk, Technical events.

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